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Avanade – Laura Hall-Williams, OCM Advisory Senior Analyst

Curiosity and creativity led Laura to Avanade

Laura Hall-Williams works as an OCM Advisory Senior Analyst at Avanade UK. Since she joined the company in 2017, Laura has progressed both professionally and personally. Here, she shares her personal journey to the Tech industry and why curiosity is the key to success.

What made you choose a career in technology?

As someone who previously thought the Tech Industry was only applicable to super-coders and technical gurus, I was surprised by the various roles within Avanade that are suitable for professionals from non-technical backgrounds. I originally started in Business Operations but through curiosity and networking, I began to learn more about different career paths available.

For me, the key to success in the tech industry is having a level of curiosity and adaptability. Whilst at Avanade, I have developed a love for new and transformational technologies, and I am now a champion of change, helping clients adopt new systems, processes and behaviours.


Did you study an IT or technology-related subject at A-Level or University?

No, I studied BA Management Studies at the University of Leicester. In fact, I didn’t have any experience in Tech before joining Avanade.

What does your current job role involve?

I work with organisations to analyse, identify, manage and facilitate organisational change during technology transformations. I operate in client-facing environments which means I must adapt to company specific needs in order to implement successful change strategies across a range of sectors.

What is the best thing about your role and working in Tech?

The best thing about my role is being able to help clients understand the effects of change so that the workforce is more susceptible to adopting new systems, processes and behaviours.

What I love most about the Tech industry is the level of opportunity available. If you are curious, adaptable and willing to learn, you will continue to grow. Technology is continuously evolving and those who can adopt a diverse thinking and innovative mindset will always remain relevant.

Do you think there are any negative stereotypes and barriers around careers in IT and technology which prevent women from perusing a career in the sector?

Traditionally, technology has been heavily male dominated. I think the lack of diversity comes from outdated stereotypes of gender roles in the home and the workplace. Women were not expected to do technical roles or be able to thrive in a male-dominated industry.

Today, as we further understand the importance of diversity and the breadth of skills required in the Tech industry, we have seen more women take their place and excel in this space. To continue to prove these stereotypes wrong, we must continue to support women into technical roles and ensure they are highlighted and celebrated.

A great example of a woman who has built a thriving career in Tech is Avanade’s CEO Pam Maynard. She’s a great role model who actively supports women around her. We must continue to support women into tech roles, both male and female senior leaders should continue to support female talent and early careers.

What advice would you give young women today at the start of their career?

Be curious, be creative and never lose your spark!

What is your experience working at Avanade? How do you think Avanade differs from other companies in the sector?

My experience at Avanade has been amazing. Avanade has built and shaped my career by heavily, investing in my progression, which has made me grow both on a professional and personal level. What makes Avanade different from other companies is the people, we truly do employ the best! As a company, Avanade stresses the importance of diversity and inclusion, and this is something I can attest to as the Co-chair of Avanade UKI’s first BAME network, which I helped to form and launch in 2019. Avanade have provided full support in the growth and promotion of the BAME network and it has since grown exponentially and has made a positive impact across Avanade globally.

What do you think you’re doing in 10 years’ time? What are your dreams and aspirations?

Ah, now isn’t this a good question! In ten years’ time, I’m not entirely sure what I’ll be doing but I would like to be in senior position (c-suite preferably) and have had experience in different areas across Avanade. My dreams and aspirations are to have a thriving career, a happy family and a heart of gratitude.

To read more about careers at Avanade, click here


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