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Sitetracker – Rochelle Singh, Solutions Analyst II

We interviewed Rochelle Singh, Solutions Analyst II at Sitetracker on her thoughts and experience on women in tech.

1. What does your job role involve?

At a high level I help clients to explore their needs and generate a blueprint for myself and my colleagues to build solutions from. These blueprints can take the form of diagrams, documents or models. The beauty about Tech there’s many paths to take to get to an outcome.

2. What made you choose a career in technology?

For a long time I was committed to the idea of being an Architect. I’m creative and like seeing the outcome of my efforts. Architecture seemed like the best option for a long time. However, I started to realise I would be happiest with a career that didn’t limit me to a specific sector or industry. Instead I wanted a career that allowed me to combine the things I was good at whilst working in a variety of contexts, capable of holding my interest for years to come. After some thought and by process of elimination I toyed with Law, Finance or Tech. Law lacked the creativity that entertains me and Finance wasn’t versatile enough. So here I am, 8+ satisfying years into architecting systems.

3. Did you study an IT or technology related subject at GCSE, A-Level or University?

I studied IT right through to A-Levels and realised I really enjoyed the Case Study Projects – where we’d be given a client problem that’d we’d have to analyse, design and implement. From that point on I was sold on the idea of a Computer Science degree – with a goal to spend my career working on Projects. Putting my skills to use. Seeing the outcome of my work and when the time is right doing it all over again for a new client, company or in a new industry.

4. Did you get any work experience in IT or technology before this role?

I was fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity to complete a Placement year as during my time at University. I was offered my then employers first ever Undergraduate role. Heading straight back to working with them days after completing my degree. Since then I’ve worked back to back in a mix of roles – Systems Support, System Engagement Manager, Technical Analyst, Systems Engineer, Product Analyst.

5. Do you think there is a lack of females in the IT and tech sector?

Historically – yes. Tech has evolved and the diversification of roles has invited more and more people in, which is something I love to see. I think there was once a consistent lack of diversity in Tech across genders, ethnicities and abilities, but things have and are continuing to positively change.

6. Do you find there is a stereotype that a career in IT or technology is just for men?

For a long time, I think Tech was categorised in the same way as Mechanics and Engineering. I often get ‘You don’t look like you work in Tech’, but I’m happy to shake things up. I’d like to think I’m just one of many riding the new stereo(type) wave change.

7. What would entice women to study technology related courses?

Showing how diversified it can be. Tech compliments all areas of life. I maintain that systems provide a solution to a (real life) problem. Tech isn’t just word processors and websites, Tech is transport, healthcare, agriculture, fashion, lifestyle, education and more.

8. Are there barriers when it comes to women getting into tech?

Self Confidence / Imposter Syndrome particularly as we continue to work at diversifying Tech. From the outside looking in at the demographic, the workforce can feel distant from who you are and where you’re coming from, however, remember we all have a right to opportunities and we should stop being our own obstacles and go after what we want. Take the torch and pave the way. You will be the role model for the next person just like you and they’ll thank you for it.

9. How could we encourage more women to start a career in tech?

For the same reasons that won me over – look at what you’re passionate about and what interests you and there will be a role somewhere out there that combines your interests and Tech.

10. What advice would you give to young women at the start of their career?

Time spent identifying what you don’t want to do is also progress – experience is experience, it’s what you do with it and how you progress from that point. Also, no matter age or gender, seek advice and mentorship from those that are where you want to be or have experience and knowledge you desire. Limit the advice you take from people that have no experience of where you want to be.


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