Jessica Vine, Service Manager at Madgex on her experience and thoughts on women in tech.
Triaging bug reports, scoping change requests, product expertise, reviewing client site performance and suggesting improvements, first-line support, monitoring scheduled tasks, prioritising workflow.
It’s always been something I was interested in from a young age so when the opportunity arose I was glad to get involved.
Yes, I’ve been working in software support roles and SaaS businesses for 15 years.
Definitely, some tech companies might have good gender balance in senior management or C-suite positions but the balance is still heavily skewed towards men in technical roles and women (not “females”!) in support and administrative roles
I don’t think the active stereotype is still there at an overt level in the industry, but I do believe that the stereotypes about behaviours and gender roles get instilled at a very young age and extrapolate out into systemic imbalance in the workplace as we get older.
Having courses that are run by women, clubs and extra curricular activities which are aimed more at women, shout more about companies like Gadgette and Ada’s List who are actively out there promoting women in tech.
Yes. The barriers aren’t as tough to overcome as they were but they are still there and it’s very much about that grass roots change in perception that begins at school and even before then.
The entire industry needs to be more encouraging, showcasing success stories and representing women and particularly women of colour so that other women have role models to look up to and can be more confident that their gender won’t be a barrier to accessing the tech world.